Ahhhhh... Summertime!

And next we have 2 not-quite-finished designs done in fancy shmancy yarn. The turquoise is silk-wool I hand-dyed in a class over Spring Break, along with a ladder yarn. I still have 1 side left to fringe. The blue is Patagonia hand-spun/dyed cotton and so soft it should've been a critter:

Currently on the needles is an experimental cape/shawl, sort of shaped like bat wings, but if we publish it I'm sure we'll call them butterfly wings.
Life-wise, I just got done with a great Psychodrama workshop, am really excited about the method-- it seems to work "ground up" instead of like cognitive-behavioral where we're always having to think think think to make connections & changes in our lives. Doing some more research on substance abuse treatment. And I'm back on the literal treadmill again, too. Will hit the pool when it's economically feasible. I don't see paying $4 to go in and putter around for 1/2 a mile! I'm sure my first week back will be like that, but I'm trying to get a jump-start on the stamina first. And I have a container garden going! If the dang raccoons leave it alone. Went out this morning and the only pots not overturned were the squash, which I'm totally grateful for since I got the seeds from Jane with the hope of propagating the species! In fact, I think I'll go out there now with some chickenwire and get creative. Maybe a car battery, too...