Saturday, July 30, 2005

Crispy Critters!

Where have the last couple of weeks gone? Reminds me of the old tagline, "Where am I going, and why am I in this handbasket?"

Contract negotiations with the biz out in CA, more negotiations with the Wool Peddler (hi Stephanie!) & our new knitting agent (hi Merry!) though thank goodness Jane & I (see Jane's blog over yonder in the sidebar) have worked extensively together and are as close as 2 peas in a pod, if 1 is vintage 1860's and the other vintage 1960's! We're in business! Jaki Designs, soon to be super-famous for our funky/romantic/practical wearables, silk yarn patterns, felted items and modular sweater designer (that Jane & I have been using for years, unbeknownst to everyone else, which is why our patterns are so unique & easy!)

Check out The Wool Peddler, starting in a month or so, for some really quick & fun xmas gift patterns in the most gorgeous materials... Yep, totally plugging both us, the designers, and Stephanie, the Wool Peddler-- it's just a wonderful match, knit & crocheted art! Silk bowls, and of course silk bags, and silk place-settings, ornaments, jewelry... Things that are quick and easy to make, but very very impressive, and plenty of time to do them all before the holidays. And I get to play with them all first!!! Okay, Jane & I get to play first, but if there's anything better than being first, it's being first along with someone else who's just as excited as you are and knows what the heck she is doing!

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Here is a pic of a pattern Jane sent me, one that I didn't mess with too much, other than blowing it up and using tan chenille and doing my own thing after the nose area... This will be our youngest grandson Justin's 2nd birthday present. We already got the grandkids the coolest xmas presents from Leah's dino store (yep, another shameless plug, but what great toys for kids-- totally fun plus educational?) I'm just hoping they don't take after their father & uncle and start bashing each other with the cool presents later xmas day. Amazingly, I've already got most of the xmas stuff done! That dark green thing Norm's standing on is the wavy Aibhlinn, my sis's present, though it's not completed there in the pic yet, still has 1.5 more rows of "jade" beads to attach. That thing took me the longest... though I should've figured on dinky needles, and there's the whole pi times the diameter thing each and every row! Next year, scarf time.

School is going to be crazy this semester, so I'm prepping ahead as much as possible. WARNING: If you don't see me in here much, assume I'm running around having the time of my life-- either that or in the looney bin hopped up on whatever it takes to keep me down. Doing a clinical internship (training this Monday) and the honors/Senior Thesis thing, and I need a bazillion volunteers. (You'll be able to tell when I need you because I'll post flyers and visit you personally! All 3500 of you!)

In other news, my last swimming student of the summer, Sirisha, just swam a full lap through the deep end and back, and I am so happy to be able to witness her bravery and intense effort, as well as make a new friend. I've been jumping up and down with glee at each success but was almost at a loss, I was that impressed, when she did the full lap. I could've cried in my goggles...

And this one's for YOU, Lab Rats!

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Yes, that's the California Chocolate Cake pan. Shhhhhh... I promise I'll wash it 3 times before the next chocolate cake. BTW, who's ahead in the Lab contest? I think it just might be Andy after this coming Tuesday!


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